Pike Market Food Bank
Free groceries, ready-to-eat food & home delivery
Our Food Bank is available to people of any age. We provide free groceries, ready-to-eat food for those who are without housing, and home delivery for qualified residents of Downtown Seattle.
Monday: 10 am - 3 pm
Tuesday: 10 am - 3 pm
Wednesday: 12 pm - 7 pm
Thursday: 10 am - 3 pm
Friday: 9 am - 12 pm
For people without housing or experiencing a food security emergency. Clients may come for no-cook bags once daily.
Closed on 1st Thursday of each month.
Tuesday: 12 pm - 3 pm
Wednesday: 3 pm - 7 pm
Thursday: 12 pm - 3 pm
Express Bag Hour
Tuesday: 11 am - 12 pm
Clients may come for groceries once per week​. Please DO NOT arrive early as we do not have a waiting area.
Closed on 1st Thursday of each month.
This program serves eligible residents in Downtown Seattle. If you need grocery home delivery services, contact us to request a screening call.
Where can I find the Food Bank?
The Food Bank is located in the Pike Market Parking Garage on the 5th level (one level below street level). We are nearby many Transit Routes, and here are detailed directions from common starting points: First and Pike, Western Avenue, and Pike Market Senior Center.
Are you closed on holidays?
Yes, we are closed on these federal holidays: New Year's Day, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Veterans' Day, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day
What should I bring when I come to the Food Bank?
Something to carry your groceries - we are usually not able to provide bags
Your ID, if you have one. This helps us sign you in, but it is not a requirement to receive food.
What if I have mobility issues?
If you are unable to stand in a line to pick up groceries or need additional assistance when you visit us, please let us know! We are happy to help as best we can.
What is Express Bag Hour?
These standard pre-packed bags are great for people who need the staples and want a streamlined pickup experience. An Express Bag includes: apples and/or oranges; rice or pasta; milk (self-stable) or juice; frozen meat; 1/2 dozen eggs; 2-3 fresh produce items; and bread.
Where can I find the Food Bank?
The Food Bank is located in the Pike Market Parking Garage on the 5th level (one level below street level). We are nearby many Transit Routes, and here are detailed directions from common starting points: First and Pike, Western Avenue, and Pike Market Senior Center.
Are you closed on holidays?
Yes, we are closed on these federal holidays: New Year's Day, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Veterans' Day, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day
What should I bring when I come to the Food Bank?
Something to carry your groceries - we are usually not able to provide bags
Your ID, if you have one. This helps us sign you in, but it is not a requirement to receive food.
What if I have mobility issues?
If you are unable to stand in a line to pick up groceries or need additional assistance when you visit us, please let us know! We are happy to help as best we can.
What is Express Bag Hour?
These standard pre-packed bags are great for people who need the staples and want a streamlined pickup experience. An Express Bag includes fresh produce, grain/starch (like rice or pasta), frozen protein (like poultry, fish, or red meat), and, when available, eggs and milk or juice. Bread and a selection of canned goods are also typically offered.
Community Connector Program
Staff are available to help connect visitors with other services and benefits for which they may be eligible during the following hours:
Tuesday: 11am to 2pm (English, Cantonese, Mandarin)
Wednesday: 3pm to 4:30pm (English, or phone interpretation in any language)
Thursday: 12pm to 3pm (Canotonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese)
For an appointment outside of these hours, please contact us or call (206) 554-1409.
Which items are most needed by the food bank?
Chunky canned soups (no cream of mushroom/chicken, etc. please)
Canned beans
Canned fruit
Protein or granola bars
Empty, reusable egg cartons
Empty, reusable paper grocery bags
Are there donations that the food bank cannot accept?
We are unable to accept donations of: packaged food that has been opened; severely dented cans or cans whose top or bottom is bulging; medications or supplements; food that is significantly past its printed date; unlabeled food (must contain ingredients, manufacturer, and date)
I want to host a food drive for the food bank. How do I get started?
Thank you! We welcome individuals, groups or organizations collecting items for the food bank. Our How to Host a Food Drive Guide is the best place to start.
I have goods to donate. How do I get started?
If you are a business or individual with goods to donate, please read our donation limitations (above) and contact us.